Blog Post

What to Do In The Event Of A Fire

Thameside Fire Protection • January 13, 2022
Smoke coming in under a door

It’s a situation you never want to be involved in, but at some point in your life, you may find yourself in a fire and unsure about what to do.

Read on to find out what to do when you find yourself in a fire.

Don’t Panic!

The first thing you should do is to try not to panic. When you’re panicked it’s easy to make mistakes that could lead to you or others being harmed. Try to take some steady breaths to calm you down.

Call The Fire Service

Call the fire service as soon as possible. Give them your name, location, any details about the fire and how many people are in the building.

Alert Others

You should try to alert as many people in the building as possible. If a fire alarm has not been automatically set off, try to trigger one now so everyone will know what is happening. They are usually on the walls in most buildings.

Stay Low

Smoke rises so you should be trying to stay low. This will make it easier to breathe and have less effect on your long-term health. If possible wear a facemask or wrap something around your mouth and nose to protect you from smoke as well.

Follow Signage

If in a public building, there should be signage leading you towards a safe exit. Do not take it upon yourself to find an exit by yourself, as the pre-planned route should be the safest path to take.

Close Doors

Fire doors are specially designed to contain the fire. This is why they should be kept closed at all times. If you discover the fire, try to close all doors near it to prevent the spread. Before opening or closing any door in the event of a fire, touch the door with your hand first to see whether it is hot or cold. This is especially important if you do not know where the fire is, to stop you from potentially opening a door to the fire.

Do Not Go Back Inside

Once you’re outside the building, do not enter for any reason. If you want to go back for your belongings, don’t. You may find yourself in danger and you’re preventing the fire service from focusing on the fire as they will have to rescue you first. If you think someone is still inside, wait for the fire service and tell them about it instead of attempting a rescue yourself.

Thameside Fire Protection

If you want to know more about fire safety, get in touch today with Thameside Fire Protection. We offer fire or emergency situation training so you will know exactly what to do in the case of a fire.

So give us a call on 0800 975 4888 or visit our website now to find out about our other services.

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