Fire prevention and protection is a big deal, and with vehicle fires commonly caused by mechanical or electrical failures within cars, vans and trucks, preparing for this possibility is a smart move. There are many tips to account for and habits to pick up for safety-conscious road users in 2022, and with the help of industry-leading safety experts Thameside Fire Protection, you can rest assured that the safety of you and your family has been prioritised.
Continue reading to discover just several of the ways in which you can prevent a vehicle fire.
One of the most obvious ways in which you can prevent vehicle fires as well as a range of other dangerous accidents is to drive safely on the roads. A car won't usually burst into flames after a collision, because most vehicles are designed with a sturdy metal sheet to absorb the force of an impact, but this doesn’t account for fuel leaks, smoke and heat, which can easily lead to a fire. Practising defensive driving and following the highway code are advisable.
Continuously neglecting to take care of your car or forgetting to get your car serviced is simply asking for trouble. Faulty wiring, broken parts and leaky seals can make a car prone to vehicle fires, so identifying these problems before they become something more prominent can avoid a potentially dangerous situation.
Working some habits into your regular routine will ensure you are minimising the risks of causing a blaze within your vehicle. Avoid storing flammable materials in your car such as lighter fluid and gas cans, also try to avoid smoking while in the car, and make a conscious effort to minimise clutter on the floors and across passenger seats. Crumpled paper, old magazines and similar materials could catch fire if there is a spark.
Away from the conventional protective offering within buildings of fire alarms and fire sprinklers, manual safety equipment comes in all shapes and sizes, and it is advisable to have a fire extinguisher and fire blanket within your vehicle at all times. Because the causes of a car fire are often related to electrical issues or combustible fuel, fire extinguishers are a crucial piece of equipment to have close to hand within a car. To ensure that your fire extinguishers are in perfect working order, take advantage of the outstanding service contracts and maintenance packages provided by Thameside Fire Protection.
With over 30 years of experience, we are a family-owned business that has grown to be one of the largest fire protection companies in the UK. Our fire solutions are suitable for everyone’s needs. From the installation of fire alarms and fire sprinklers to training courses and repairs, we can help you find the fire protection that’s exactly right for you. For more information on tailored fire safety solutions,
contact us today.